New Mothers Visited by Giant Pop-Tart in Uncomfortable Promotional Stunt
No better way to start your kid’s life than with a little commercial horror!
Published 2 months ago in Funny
No better way to start your kid’s life than with a little commercial horror!
Over the weekend, the world experienced another Pop-Tart Bowl, in which we all stared in confusion as an entire football stadium’s worth of people cheered on a Pop-Tart as it was being consumed by the masses.
Naturally, some pretty strange images emerged from this whole thing, but perhaps none were stranger than the videos of a massive Pop-Tart mascot greeting new mothers in the hospital and offering them Pop-Tarts.
How does this promote the product? Who’s to say, but maybe, they’re hoping that the baby will be a customer for life. That, or they’ve just cursed them to a lifetime of breakfast pastry-themed nightmares.
Imagine being an exhausted mother in pain after labor or the father just surviving in the chair on no sleep and a giant pop tart mascot walks in. Fever dream.
— ZachTheAg (@ZachTheAg) December 28, 2024